Study, masturbate, read, study, cry, masturbate some more.

This is my life lately. A friend asked me if I want to go get a Brazilian waxing with her and even though I’m scared as hell, I was very tempted to say yes. But then I realized, my social life is dead for the next month, with all the exams and college work, so I won’t get any chance to show off my professionally waxed cooch to anyone. The pain isn’t worth it and neither is the money. I guess I’ll have to wait until August.

And in the mean time, I’ll spend my days alternating between crying, jerking off and trying to focus on whatever I have to read for school. Or just do all of them at the same time. So yes, my blog will be lacking a bit, however, I’m going to do a celebratory post tomorrow to mark one month since this baby is born. Adorable, right? Okay, I’ll admit, I am a bit excited. Hope everyone’s doing better than me and properly enjoying summer (alcohol, beach and dicks, yes?)


3 thoughts on “Study, masturbate, read, study, cry, masturbate some more.

  1. Bahaha. (alcohol, beach and dicks, yes?) love that.
    I’m sorry you’ll be so busy, and bored. I hope you still find your exceitement and thrill. And maybe you should get the wax just for the experience, and so you’re prepared for when you want one for a legitimate reason. Who knows, maybe you’ll go out on the spur of the moment and meet someone dazzling. 🙂

  2. School is hard, i have been going part-time to school and working full-time and raising a child on my own, I am almost finished with the coursework i need for my advanced certification but it is so hard sometimes. It is okay to cry, okay to masturbate and way okay to have the study break booty call! Hang in there Elle, it will be well worth it in the end!

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